Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Happiness is a state of mind.

We all want to be happy. We want to be successful. We want to make lots of money. We want to become famous. We want to be powerful. We want to achieve. All this and more, so that we can ultimately be happy.

So when someone achieves a record of sorts, the natural inclination for ordinary mortals is to be happy. But not Takeru Kobayashi, the new Hot Dog champion, by eating 49 hot dogs in 12 minutes. He was not happy because he fell short of his personal best of 53.5 hot dogs and buns achieved last year.

Humans always crave for what we do not have and forget about that we already have. Perhaps that is what spurs all this growth. We can not be content with what we have. In this case he is the current Champion. He holds the record for most number of hot dogs. It is just that he missed his personal best this time. Can he ever be happy? I don't know. Even if he is able to eat 55 next time, he might still be unhappy because his target was 60 hot dogs. May be. May be not.


Chakra said...

KM - Thanks a ton for dropping by my blog... will come back a bit later and read your posts. Take care.

KM said...

Thanks Chakra!