Thursday, July 07, 2005

"When I do good, I feel good and when I do bad, I feel bad."

The terrorists have struck again, this time in London. There are reports that as of now at least 40 people are dead and 700 injured with the count likely to go up. This is shows how helpless and ineffective we are in curbing these attacks. We might have the best of security and intelligence but they can bring everything to a standstill with a couple of serial attacks. Indira Gandhi was supposed be one of the best protected Leaders of her times. Yet she was assassinated by her own body guards. Ronald Reagan, while he was the President of USA, with all the best security, was attacked and almost killed by a crazy guy so that he could catch the attention of the Film Star he loved. All the Counter Terrorism experts have been saying time and again that it is when and where the next strike will be but not whether there will be. Day before yesterday, it was Madrid. Yesterday, it was in Ayodhya. Today it was London. Tomorrow, we do not know, where. But probably the Terrorists know where. They have all the World to hide and attack. The Society does not know how to prevent this. It is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

All this mayhem in the name of Religion. Religion has always evoked stronger and baser instincts in human beings. The vested interests all over the world exploit this to the maximum. These Terrorists will go to any extent to prove that they are right. This is amply demonstrated by the suicide bombings that go on everyday in Iraq and Palestine. They think and believe that they are making the extreme sacrifice of their lives for the sake of their religion. Basically this shows an intolerance for others' point of view. My way is the right way and what others do is wrong. Can this change? I doubt whether this ever will happen. There are so many laws made by our society, yet there are so many willing to break them. The hope for an egalitarian society where everyone can live in peace is just a myth. This terrorism has been happening since ages in one form or another throughout history and will continue to be a thorn in our future & beyond.

If only they read and believed what Abraham Lincoln thought "When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion." We can only hope and in hope alone lies our future for a better tomorrow.

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