Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Live life like there is no tomorrow.

They say that this is one of the ways in which you live your life to the fullest. I thought about this and I guess some times tried to incorporate this philosophy into my life. But I think our lives and minds are so complex, that we can not live our lives this way. We have to feel bad some times and also feel good some times.

I think as to how fortunate I am that I am able to do so many things that many of my fellow human beings who are not able to for many reasons. I guess it is how we look at our life and the perspective that we have, which defines our lives. How we react in a given situation depends on our attitude.

If we think seriously what happens when we try to live our life like there is no tomorrow. We will probably throw caution to the winds sometimes at least. We may not plan for our distant future because there is no future other than today. May be we will try to enjoy life that much more because we know that there is not much time for us in this world. Probably we would want to do what ever we have in our mind without procrastinating. We will be more forgiving to others on their mistakes. I think may be we should live like there is no tomorrow but also plan for an extra gifted day.

But this is only in theory because in reality we believe that there are many more tomorrows in our lives. But we do not know really know that there will even be a tomorrow in our lives because of the uncertainties. In fact we may not even have the next moment. So should we be saying "live life like you do not have a next moment"? Then it would make our life hopeless where as life is all about hope and how can we live without hope. These are some of my random thoughts about how we should live our lives.

Monday, August 30, 2010

How to be Rid of Ear Pain While Flying!!!

I have always had this problem, whenever I travelled in a flight. By the time I landed, I used to experience excruciating pain in the ears which would be severely blocked as well, I could not hear properly and used to take at least a day before I was rid of the pain. I tried a few remedies like using a mint or trying to sip water in small quantities during descent. Nothing seemed to have worked in finding a lasting solution to this nagging problem. Then I found a product called "earplanes" which I tried. This took care of my problem most of the times. I always carried it on my trips to India.  But I was never completely cured of this problem. Just before this post, I wanted to see if there were any solutions to this. There were a few sites like metafilter and Yahoo answers with no real solutions other than the psuedoephedrine, which also seems to be an expensive drug. There was also a mention of "earplanes".

A couple of weeks back we were going to Orange county for our Son's college orientation and I forgot to take the "earplanes" with me. I was dreading the pain that was in store for me. Half an hour before the plane was to make a landing, on a whim, I wanted to try deep breathing exercise to see if it calms down my worries. I started doing this deep, deliberate and slow breathing, which I learnt while doing Yoga. Miraculously, I experienced no pain at all. My ears weren't blocked and I stepped out of the plane as if I hadn't even been airborne. Since then, every time I fly (which I have been doing more frequently now-a-days), I have been doing this deep breathing half an hour before landing, when the Pilot announces that the Plane is on descent. I have not experienced the ear pain again so far. I wanted to share this information so that it will help others, in finding a cure to their problem. As they say the world's most precious things are always free and we do not have to pay anything. I believe it will work for others too!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Feeling good!

I have started this new blog of mine about cleaning up of our Trails and Parks. I believe that we can do what we want to do. Then I thought why not I do something, instead of waiting for someone else to do it for us. Let me see where this leads me to ultimately. But at least I have started doing something which will make me feel good about myself!